Asados La 80 Bar & Grill

Ready to enjoy a delicious ranch style steak or a grilled trout? In the restaurant Asados La 80 Bar & Grill you can find it and best of all, this restaurant in Medellin, is located in one of the most visited areas of the city.

Asados La 80 Bar & Grill

Asados La 80 Bar & Grill

A very clean, organized and elegant Medellin restaurant, Asados La 80, with a unique and provocative style, is conveniently located in one of the most visited areas of the city.

Bass in mushroom sauce, rancher style steaks, grilled trout, imperial trout and roasted pork loin, are some of the delicious items offered in Asados La 80.

A great place to enjoy with family, this traditional and famous restaurant has a long history serving quality food with excellent service to its customers.

Asados La 80 offers seasonal promotions that are updated on their website. As well as special discounts for groups larger than ten people.

Colombian cuisine has received great influence from international recipes from countries like Argentina, Spain and Mexico. It makes that in Colombia customers have an incredible amount of gastronomic choices.

For this reason, at Asados La 80, guests can find some culinary alternatives very similar to those they’ll see abroad. Asados La 80 is a very good rival to any Argentinian grill food restaurant, with their cooking style and their excellent flavors.


If you are a lover of meats, cuts and of course of eating very, very well; then you can’t miss this opportunity to enjoy only the best at Asados La 80 Bar & Grill in Medellín. What are you waiting to go?

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